How to Design a Domino Set
A domino is a small rectangular game piece that has anywhere from zero to six dots on each end. These dots, called pips, are what distinguish domino from other game pieces such as playing cards and dice. Dominoes are used in a number of games, both casual and strategic, and they can be stood up to create elaborate patterns that look impressive when they are knocked down. When they are played well, dominoes can also create chain reactions that cause one domino to knock down hundreds and even thousands of others.
Hevesh started collecting dominoes at age 9, and by age 10 she was creating mind-blowing domino setups that would eventually lead to her YouTube domino channel, Hevesh5. Hevesh’s work is so popular that she has been hired to create domino sets for movies, TV shows, and events, including an album launch for Katy Perry.
While Hevesh has a natural talent for designing beautiful domino sets, she applies a version of the engineering-design process to her work. She starts by considering a theme or purpose for the installation. Then she brainstorms images or words that might relate to that theme.
Once she has her idea, she then starts building the domino layout. She pays special attention to how the dominoes will interact with each other. In many cases, she will create a “cross” with the dominoes by placing a double in such a way that additional tiles can be played against it on all four sides.
The rules of domino games vary widely, but the basic concept is the same: Each tile has a unique set of spots on its ends. Some are blank, while others have a number of spots, or pips, arranged in a pattern similar to the dots on a die. The number of pips on a particular domino determines its value in a given game. Most domino games are won by the first player to take all of the opposing players’ points.
While there are many different ways to play domino, the most common is to use a traditional domino set. These include a single set that contains one domino for each possible combination of numbers from one to six, and larger sets of 91 or more dominoes.
Dominoes are usually made from a polymer material, such as clay or plastic, although some are made from more exotic materials. In the past, dominoes were often made from natural materials such as bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, or dark woods like ebony. These sets tend to be more expensive, but they have a more classic and elegant look than their polymer counterparts.
The word domino is believed to have come from the Latin dominus, meaning master of the house. The term soon came to be applied to the game itself, which was likely introduced into Britain in the late 18th Century via French prisoners of war. The game quickly became popular in inns and taverns.